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How Often Should a Landlord Inspect Rental Property in Salt Lake City?

How Often Should a Landlord Inspect Rental Property in Salt Lake City?

Salt Lake City is one of the most competitive rental markets in the West. The state ranks 34th nationwide, and renters typically compete with ten others to secure a lease. Purchasing rental properties in Salt Lake City is a great way for investors to increase their passive income.

Many responsibilities come with owning investment properties and being a landlord. One of these includes knowing how often to schedule rental property inspections. This blog will discuss how frequently you should inspect your properties in Salt Lake City to ensure your property stays in pristine condition.

What Are Rental Property Inspections?

Rental property inspections are performed by landlords or property managers. These inspections are intended to verify the rental unit's condition. Inspections can be performed so long as notice is given to the tenants.

Landlords have the right to enter a property in Utah for inspections and legally required repairs. The laws require that landlords give their tenants at least 24 hours notice before going into a property. The exemption to this rule is emergencies.

Common Types of Property Inspections in Utah

There are four common regular property inspections that are performed in Utah. Each inspection is designed to swiftly address problems and establish rules on how you expect your tenant to care for your property. How often you perform each inspection depends on the type.

Move-In Inspections

Move-in inspections are intended to gauge the status of your investment property before the tenant moves in. Landlords don't always have to provide this inspection report to their new tenants. However, it is good to have this on record to compare the property's condition at move-out.

Move-Out Inspection

Move-out inspections are performed on the day the tenant moves out. The tenant need not be present during this inspection.

Any damage to the property needs to be recorded. The landlord may use the tenant's security deposit to repair the damage.

Security Inspections

Landlords may carry out security inspections every four to eight months. The landlord should specify the frequency of these inspections in the lease agreement. The lease should also state how tenants will get notified of upcoming inspections.

Drive-By Inspections

Utah landlords aren't required to give notice for drive-by inspections. This is because no one will be entering the unit.

Drive-by inspections are used to check the home's exterior. You can use that information to determine if an interior inspection needs to be scheduled.

Keep in mind that you don't want to drive by your rental properties too often. This could infringe on your tenant's privacy.

Partner With an Experienced Rental Property Management Company in Salt Lake City

As you can see, how often you perform rental property inspections depends on the type of inspection you're doing. Having the frequency of inspections clearly outlined in your lease agreements helps create better clarity between you and your tenants.

Wheeler & Associates Property Management in Utah is here to provide you with maintenance tips, investment protection guidelines, and more. We offer comprehensive rental property management solutions. Get in touch with us to book a meeting with one of our property managers.
